Katie Reads (at least theoretically)

July 24, 2008

A hand to reach

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — Katie @ 5:47 pm

Last night I went to the library with my parents and got a bunch of weird books. One book about cooking and two about biology. Also, I bought two books: Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking and James Joyce’s Ulysses. I actually already have a copy of Ulysses, but this one was beautiful and leatherbound and $1. So you know. 

Anyway, I read the Joan Didion yesterday/this morning. It was good. Couldn’t stop reading it, really. It’s about the year after her husband died unexpectedly, suddenly. It was really a beautiful account of her grief and mourning. Very sad, of course, but very literate. So much poetry. I really, really liked it. And I love her writing style. So clear and concise and simple. 

The other thing I did yesterday was get really into podcasts. Do you guys listen to podcasts? I don’t really, except for This American Life. But yesterday I went on a search for others. Stranger, edgier ones. Something in the same vein, but different. Here is what I found: Love and Radio, Catalogue of Ships, Radio Lab, StoryCorps. There are others, too, but I haven’t listened to them yet, and so don’t want to recommend them quite yet.

I am having a love affair with radio.

OK, you guys, that is it for me today. I am feeling a bit off–sort of strange and desperate and unsatisfied. I think it is because of the road stretched before me.

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